Commissioner's office abolished; functions consolidated in DFI [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] -
Act 27
Securities registration statements ``merit review" provisions repealed; broker-dealer, agent and investment adviser licensure requirements revised -
Act 356
Consumer fraud and unfair trade practices against elderly and disabled: supplemental forfeitures created
Act 382
Elder abuse awareness campaign [Sec. 919, 2335] -
Act 27
Elderly and disabled transportation aid study -
Act 113
Elderly benefit specialist services: references to tribal governments and commissions deleted [Sec. 2331, 2232]
Act 27
Elderly program funding re COP, BOALTC, the guardianship grant program and Alzheimer's disease training and information grants [partial veto] -
Act 464
Fishing seasons in urban areas: DNR may establish for certain persons; agreement of local government required re designation of body of water -
Act 91
Veteran RSVP program repealed [Sec. 1040d, 2001m] -
Act 27
Bulletproof vest worn while committing a felony: penalty increased -
Act 340
Electronic monitoring of juveniles: contract and fee assessment revisions [Sec. 784, 790, 6362, 6363, 6374-6381, 9112 (1)] -
Act 27
Fire setting and failure to totally extinguish: penalty revised; subsequent offenses provision -
Act 291
Home detention authorized re county house of correction -
Act 26
Intensive sanctions program: sentencing for escape revised -
Act 390
Intensive supervision program for youth: appropriation for grants repealed [Sec. 825, 2549m]
Act 27
Life imprisonment without parole -
Act 48
Misdemeanor penalties restricted in certain cases; prosecution of charges of obstructing a peace officer [Sec. 7225m, 7232q, r, 7245m, 7246k, 7247m, 7249m, 7263p, 7281t, 9359 (4g), (6m)] [vetoed] -
OWI with minor passenger: penalties doubled; community work provision -
Act 425
Purchased goods, care and services for prisoners at adult institutions: funding revised re population adjustments; funds to be released re increase in intensive sanctions populations [Sec. 9133 (2), 9212 (1), (3), (5)-(7), 9234 (2), 9400]
Act 416
Road maintenance or construction zone speeding violations: penalty enhanced -
Act 44
Sexual assault and crimes against children: maximum prison term increased -
Act 69
Therapists convicted of sexual exploitation: maximum period of imprisonment increased -
Act 300
Violent crime committed at or near school: penalty enhancement provided -
Act 22
Sentencing commission abolished [Sec. 72, 92, 106, 1069, 1081, 1193, 6275, 6358, 7250-7252, 7255, 9101 (14)]
Act 27
Insurance law revisions re company's reserves, insurance security fund claims, immunity for acts related to solvency, service of process, hearing procedures and prohibited practices regarding disciplined agents -
Act 396
Insurer service of process: registered agent requirement created [Sec. 7003, 7009, 7011, 7017] -
Act 27
Child sexual assault: offenders prohibited from volunteering or working with children under 16 years of age
Act 265
Child sexual assault: penalty enhancement re parent, guardian or responsible person -
Act 14
Definitions of child abuse, physical injury and emotional damage revised -
Act 275
Restitution to sexual assault victims and certain child victims: payment for cost of necessary professional services permitted -
Act 161
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state -
Act 440
Sexual assault and crimes against children: maximum prison term increased -
Act 69
Sexual assault of a student by a school staff person: penalty created -
Act 456
Sexual crimes against children: coverage broadened -
Act 67
Sexually violent persons on supervised release: DHSS payment of services clarified [Sec. 822] -
Act 27
Sexually violent persons: funding for treatment, services and Wisconsin resource center; determination of county of residence -
Act 276
Therapists convicted of sexual exploitation: maximum period of imprisonment increased -
Act 300
TPR over child conceived as result of sexual assault -
Act 108
Wisconsin resource center: bonding authorized for facility expansion [Sec. 3, 4, 9108 (1), 9400]
Act 416
Heat, light and power companies: state license fee and shared revenue provisions [Sec. 3451, 3461-3464, 3507-3509, 9448 (3)] -
Act 27
Incorporated or newly formed municipality: property tax and local transportation aids program formula revised; DOA to certify population re shared revenue [Sec. 47m, 48g-r, 51d-t, 9362 (1g)] -
Act 216
Intergovernmental cooperation re municipal revenue sharing, libraries, joint police and fire departments and water utility service -
Act 270
Maximum shared revenue payments to certain counties [Sec. 3509s, 9348 (8g)] -
Act 27
Small municipalities program funding deleted [Sec. 3505, 3506, 3509d-mi, 9348 (9t), 9448 (3m)] [3509d-mi, 9348 (9t) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Spent nuclear fuel facility: municipal shared revenue payment revised [Sec. 3509b, 9348 (11g)]
Act 27
Firearms possession by persons subject to certain injunctions restricted; entry of information into enforcement system; provisions re surrender and storage of firearms and release of information by DOJ -
Act 71
Medical care for county jail and house of correction prisoners: recovery of costs specified -
Act 43
Polygraph testing of prospective employes of a law enforcement agency permitted -
Act 314
Term of office changed to 4-year; restriction on holding any other office revised; vacancy and appointment provisions: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-37]
- JR-23
Tribal prisoners confined in county jail: agreements between sheriff and county board and recognized tribe authorized -
Act 379
Permissive use of small claims procedure revised [Sec. 7140m-r, 9310 (9q), 9410 (4q)] -
Act 27
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions -
Act 113
Operation on highways for purpose of access to lodging establishment, campground or residence
Act 61
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: certain powers extended to town sanitary districts; state funding, ordinance authority expanded and lakes without public access provisions -
Act 349
Snowmobile trail inspection by DNR: certain exemptions created -
Act 294
Supplemental trail aids [Sec. 677g, 737g, 6434g, 9142 (9x), 9442 (10s)] -
Act 27
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